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O Finished? In the story, the group of travellers find some
ape-men in the Amazon Forest in South America.
What other strange things do you think they saw
in the Amazon? Use your imagination and write a
description of something unusual they saw.
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1he gave up (gambling).2 try to avoid (mak ing) him angry.3 stop (argu ing) and start (work).4 the children prefer (watch ing) tv to (read ing).5 i am against (mak ing) any complaints.6 it's no use (cry ing) over spilt milk.7 i suggest (hold ing) another meeting next week.8 he finished (speak ing) and sat down.9 he was fined for (driv ing) without lights.10 it is difficult to get used to (eat ing) with chopsticks.11 if you can't turn the key try (put ting) some oil in the lock.12 he lost no time in (gett ing) down to work.13 you can't make an omelette without (break ing) eggs14 we are looking forward to (read ing) your new book.15 they escaped by (slid ing) down ropes made of blankets.16 they don't allow (smok ing) in here. 17 he is thinking of (leav ing) his job and (go) to america.18 after (read ing) this article you will give up (smok ing).19 if you put your money into that business you risk (los ing) every penny.20 imagine (liv ing) with someone who never stops (talk ing).21 is there anything here worth (buy ing)? 22 he was accused of (leak ing) classified information to the press.23 you'd better consult your lawyer before (decid ing) to buy the property.24 i don't enjoy (go ing) to the dentist.25 would you mind (putt ing) your pet snake somewhere else? 26 the hostages were rescied without a shot (be ing) fired.27 by (work ing) day and night he succeeded in (finish ing) the job in time.28 he has a scheme for (mak ing) grass grow in winter.29 i don't feel like (work ing); what about (go ing) to a disco instead? 30 would you mind (writ ing) your name and address on the back of the cheque? 31 if a thing is worth (do ing) at all it is worth (do ing) well.32 i hate (borrow ing) money.33 he was furious at (be) mistaken for an escaped convict.34 after (talk ing) for ten minutes i succeeded in (convinc ing) him that there was no danger.35 i remember (read ing) a review of that book and (think ing) i'd like to get.36 as a result of (listen ing) at keyholes he learnt many facts which he no hesitation in (us ing) to his own advantage.

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