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1. Don’t disturb them. They …….(write) a final test. 2. Next Monday they will have been working on this project for a month already.
3. The car ……(break down). I can’t give you a lift.
4. Perhaps our director …… (sign) this letter tomorrow.
5. The sales people…….(discuss) this problem all morning
6. By the time I got to the office everybody………(leave)
7. Tomorrow at 11 a.m. he ……(meet) you at the airport.
8. At this time last year we ……(attend) a conference.
9. They……(sign) this contract a week ago.
10. When I was leaving office she …….(speak) on the phone for an hour.
11. Twice a week they ……(check) our attendance.
12. Yesterday by 6 p.m. the visitors ……(leave).
13. We …..(revise) for our finals this week.
14. The company ……. (move) to a new premises by the 1-st of May, i.e in a week
15. Professor…..(give) lectures here for 2 years next term.
16. HR manager ……(conduct) interviews from 10 to 12 tomorrow
17. I’m sure he…….(pass) the exam tomorrow.
18. It…….(take) too much time to get to office by car.
19. He ……..(complete) the survey at last.
20. We…….(try) to reach her since yesterday night.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) Worked

2) Played

3) watched

4) enjoyed


1) Sam didn’t invite his friends to his house?

2) Did Peter join his parents in London?

3) was the hotel comfortable?

4) The days were not rainy.

5) Did children show you the pictures?


1) to - with

2) to

3) by

4) in

5) on


1) what

2) why

3) when

4) where

5) how old

# 6

1) On Saturday Tom is not going to skate.

2) On Saturday Tom and Jane are going to invite their friends to the party.


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