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Заповніть пропуски займенниками some, any, no, every (+ body, + thing, + where). 1. There are ___ catalogues on the table.

2. Can you give me magazines to read?

3. There are not ___ letters on your desk.

4. There is ___ chocolate in the vase and I miss it so much.

5. The guide will tell you ___ interesting about the West End.

6. Have you heard ___ about the film “Gone with the Wind”?

7. Don’t be silly! There is ___ there.

8. Sally, there is ___ downstairs who wants to speak to you.

9. ___ went on business to France.

10. I don’t want ___ at all.

11. He is the best specialist in this company – he knows ___.

12. Is there ___ in the office who can help me?

13. Did your office make ___ contracts with British firms last year?

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