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7. а) Бірінші бағандағы мысалдарды есептеу тәсілін түсіндір. Осы біліміңді пайдаланып, екінші бағандағы мысалдарды
қалай есептеуге болады?
(200 + 40 + 2) - 2 = 200 - 2+ 40 - 2+2 - 2 = 484
(400 + 80 + 4):2= 400 : 2 + 80 : 2 +4 : 2 = 0
242. 2 =
484:2 =
кім де бар

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.by two o'clock the teacher had   examined    all the students . 2. on my way to school i  remembered   that i had    left    my report at home . 3 . all my   friend were   glad to hear that ihad   passed   all the examinations successfully . 4 . poor oliver  was   unconscious on the sport where sikes   left   him . 5.he  opened   his eyes,  looked   around and    tried   to remember what  had    happened   to him. 6. all the passengers saw   at once that the old man  had  travelled   a great deal in his life . 7. by the time we  came  to see him , he  had returned   home . 8. during the holidays my friend  visited  the village where he    lived  in his childhood. 9 . when they  entered   the hall , the performance had already    begun. 10. when i came home,my mother told  me that she  had   received   a letter from grandfather. 11 . where did you  work   before you    entered   the institute ? 12. he  studied  french before he   entered  the university .

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