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нужно ребята дам вам за работу 1. I think our team ( win) the competition.
2. We (have) a test tomorrow.
3. Be careful! You (hit) your head.
4. It is raining. I (take) an umbrella.
5. He has saved enough money and he (buy) a new smart phone.
6. I promise I (look) after my baby sister.
7. Look! The old man (trip) over that box on the pavement.
8. I`m hungry. I (have) a salad and a sandwich, please.
9. My family and I are planning our summer holiday. We (travel) around Europe.
10. The film (start) at 7p.m.

2. Use 0 or 1 Conditionals. Определите тип придаточного предложения, поставьте
глагол в нужном времени. Смотрите таблицу в словаре.
1. If it rains, we (not go) out.
2. When I cook salads, I ( use) only olive oil.
3. If the weather is good, we (go) on a picnic.
4. If Peter comes to my place, we (watch) a new film on TV.
5. If you put ice in water, it (float).
6. We(miss) the train, if we don’t hurry
7. When you mix blue and yellow paint, you ___(get) green.
8. I (come) to the party, if I have time.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) a n d e c- dance 2) n i g s - sing 3) i w r e t - write 4) n c u o t - count5) a r e d - read

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