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Florence Nightingale Florence Nightingale was a nurse. She lived in the 19th century. She was named after the city of Florence in Italy. Her family was rich.

Florence was an unusual young woman for her time. She wanted to be a nurse and help people. Her family didn’t want her to become a nurse because hospitals were dirty. They were worried about her. In 1851, Florence went to Germany and learned all about nursing.

In 1854, lots of British soldiers went to fight in the Crimean War. Army hospitals were filled with injured men, but there were no nurses and many men died. Florence and a team of nurses went to help. She brought the men fresh food, she cleaned the hospital beds and she used clean bandages on the wounded soldiers.

At night, Florence walked around the hospital. She talked to the injured soldiers and helped the men to write letters to their families. She carried a lamp and the soldiers called her ‘The lady with the lamp’.

When Florence returned to England, people called her a heroine because of her amazing work in the Crimean War. Queen Victoria wrote her a letter to say thank you.

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1) ответьте на вопросы ПОЛНЫМИ предложениями. За краткие ответы, не засчитывается.

1. What did Florence want to be?

2. When did she go to Germany?

3. Why was she called 'The lady with the lamp'?

4. Why did she go to Germany?

5. How did she help the soldiers?

6. What did she get from Queen Victoria?

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In mikhail lermontov was a proud, relaxed posture, the average growth and excellent flexibility of movement.smooth, slightly curly hair on both sides left quite open the unusually high forehead. large, full of thoughts eyes, seemed not to have participated in a mocking smile playing on his lips beautifully evident as a young man.he was dressed in full uniform, military coat is not new and not buttoned up to the top.переводу михаила юрьевича лермонтова была гордая, непринужденная осанка, средний рост и замечательная гибкость движений.гладкие, слегка вьющиеся по обеим сторонам волосы оставляли совершенно открытым необыкновенно высокий лоб. большие, полные мысли глаза, казалось, вовсе не участвовали в насмешливой улыбке, игравшей на красиво очертанных губах молодого человека. одет он был в парадную форму, военный сюртук не нов и не до верху застегнут.

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