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1 The ghost wai wandering around the house at in order/so that to frighten people 2 Mr Otis gave the ghost some oil so that/as to stop his chains from making a noise.

3 Mr Otis suggested the ghost use the oil so at/so that not to daturb the sleeping family

4 The twins came out of their room in order/so that they could see what was making the terrible noise

5 The ghost found a quiet room in order/so as that he could be alone and think

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Ответы на вопрос:

Clerk : hello,can i help you? customer: yes, i'm looking for new costume clerk: ok, we have a new look for you, do you like rad or white colour? customer: no, i like the blue one. clerk: oh! but these is the womens costume! customer: that’s okay. it’s for my mum. so, what colours does it come in? clerk: we have red,navy blue light green and pale blue. customer: do you have a navy blue one in small size? clerk: let’s see … large, medium, small … oh yes, here you are. small size. it’s a good quality costume. made in italy by georgio armani customer: knew that.i’ll take it. how much is that costs? clerk: nine hundred dollars and ninety-nine cents, please. customer: okay, here's a the change.

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