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Раскройте скобки в правильной форме He was absolutely … (fear) because he decided to jump from a 212-metre bridge.
You look … (health). You should visit a doctor as soon as possible.
This table is … (move). If you need to move it — do it.
It was very … (danger) to drive in such a pouring rain so we decided to stay.
What a … (taste) dinner you’ve prepared. Can you share a recipe?
It was … (not polite) of you to talk to her in such a manner.
Luckily, this …. (tragedy) event happened when everyone was out.
The story you told us was … (delight).
He has a very … (athlete) body. What kind of sport does he play?
What you’ve done is both … (not legal) and … (not responsible). You are left with no pocket money till the end of the year.

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What age do people usually... 1 first go to school?2. leave school?3 graduate from university?4.. le

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