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Раскройте скобки, употребляя предложения в Present Continuous. (now)
1.What they (to talk) about?
2. They (to work).-
3. The doctor and her patient (to talk).-
4. We (to cook) dinner. My mother (to make) a salad.+
5. A young man (to drive) a car. He (to listen) music.+
6. My grandfather (to read) a book.-
7. The pen (to lie) on the floor.
8. You (to have) a break?
9. She still (to sing)? What language you (to study)?
10.Who (to lie) on the sofa?
11.It still (to rain).

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. Last summer I were in a sports camp at the Black Sea .

2.My father was very busy yesterday.

3. Rita was not at school last week, because she was ill.

4. They were in the cinema last night.

5. lt was warm yesterday. It was not cold.

6.Where were you last Sunday?

7.There were a lot of apples on that tree last summer.

8. My elder brother was a pupil last year. Now he is a student.


Популярно: Английский язык