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написать на английском сочинение для 6-го класса, тема : жизнь подростка. Мне очень

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hello I m Artem i like play fotbool и так далле

The life of the teen is not simple. When you have problems, and you want to share them with parents, most often, they just depreciate them. And when we sit in the phone and we are told that, the phone is bad and because of all these problems, of course, it's unpleasant. Because many sit in the phone just because they want to distract from problems. Do not depress our problems, because we are also people.

сразу готовое сочинение, надеюсь

1. he will be (fut simp - be) 20 on monday. 2. peter the great moved (past simp - move) the capital to st. petersburg in 1712. 3. moscow is (pres simp- be) the cultural center of russia. 4. the bridge connects (pres simp - connect) the old and the new parts of the city. 1. ему будет 20 лет в понедельник.2. петр великий перенес столицу в санкт-петербург в 1712 году.3. москва - культурный центр россии.4. мост соединяет старую и новую части города.

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