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Ответы на вопрос:

1. I know musical genres: opera, pop, rock, jazz, tango, symphony, tango and pank. 2. They are interesting, interesting to listen to them, but they are guite different. 3. Violin, guitar, drums, bass guitar, saxophone. 4. Mozart, Britney Spears, Rihanna, Linkin Park, Anril Lavigne, Michaele Jackson. 5. My favourite genre are pop and rock. I like it.

У теперішнйому часі:

We are working with Brian at the moment.

The kettle is boling.

We are riding a bicycle.

He is singing.

Somebody is climbing up the tree.

У минулуму часі:

I read this book yesterday.

I had my breakfast at 8 am.

I won the golf competition yesterday.

He broke his hand last year.

I forgot my homework.


Популярно: Английский язык