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Look at the question and choose the answer to the question The clock indicated a quarter to nine when he appeared in the great saloon , Phileas Fogg had accomplished the journey round the world in eighty days ! Phileas Fogg had won his wager of twenty thousand pounds ! Phileas Fogg had , without suspecting it , gained one day on his journey , and this because he had travelled eastward ; he would , on the contrary , have lost a day if he had gone in the opposite direction , that is , westward . in journeying eastward he had gone towards the sun and he saw the sun pass the meridian eighty times , his friends in London only saw it pass the meridian seventy - nine times . This is why they awaited him at the Reform Club on Saturday , and not Sunday , as Mr. Fogg thought Passepartout's famous family watch , which always keeps London time would showed this fact if it marked the days as well as the hours and the minutes ! The next day , as soon as it was light , Passepartout knocked aggressively at his master's door Mr. Fogg opened it and asked , " What's the matter , Passepartout ? " " What is it sir ? Why , Ive just found out- " " What ? " That we might have made the tour of the world in only seventy - eight days . " " No doubt " returned Mr. Fogg , " by not crossing India But if I had not crossed India I should not have saved Aouda , she would not have been my wife , and " Mr. Fogg quietly shut the door Phileas Fogg had won his wager , and had made his journey around the world in eighty days . To do this he had used different types of transportation - steamers , railways , carriages , yachts , sledges , elephants.The gentleman achieved his goal thanks to his punctuality . But what then ? What had he really gained by all this trouble ? What had he brought back from this long Journey ? Nothing , say you ? Perhaps so , nothing but a charming woman , who , strange as it may appear , made him the happlest of menl Truly , would you not for less than that make the tour around the world ? When did he appear in the greet saloon?

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Look at the question and choose the answer to the question The clock indicated a quarter to nine whe

Хэллоуин! хэллоуин! луна полна, везде лишь блеск, и мы увидим, как один и два других встают существ: скелеты, призраки, вампиры, и гоблины как командиры, вервульфы из могил уходят, а ведьмы метлы всё находят. в костюмах, масках - все на , стучатся, а мешок конфет все мал сегодня мы - правители земель, во время хэллоуинских недель!

Популярно: Английский язык