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D2.03 Listen to five short conversations and complete the
sentences. Use words from Exercise 1.
1: They're looking at a waterfall
2: The path is at the top of aIt follows
3: They'll take photos when they reach the
4: They're talking about a
5: Amy steps on some to cross a​

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he goes to school every day. they were at school yesterday. they spent the holidays in paris last summer. they are foreigners. is he a foreigner? i am not a foreigner. did kate travel by car three days ago? we visited the museum yesterday. we have our hoilidays. do you have your holidays? where did you spend your holidays? what did you do during your holidays? what do you do during your holidays? were you abroad last year? when were you abroad? she sunbathes 3 times a week. this place is very beautiful. this hotel is very expensive. is this city very large?

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