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Что вы знали о братьях Райт, Леонардо да Винчи, Дедале и Икаре?​

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Ответы на вопрос:

привет Я только что создали резервную копию в Я не знаю как

1-she noticed how someone looked at her. 2-i saw him take the book from the table. 3-i noticed that she took money from the desk drawer. 4-i heard the rain knock on the roof. 5-i saw my parents get into the car. 6-heard how he went to work. 7-i felt how he touched my shoulder. 8-everyone heard the alarm clock rang. 9-he noticed how her mood was changing. 10-i hear someone crying. 11-i see how someone goes. 12-did you hear how they argued about this? 13-she felt the way he touched her palm. 14-everyone noticed that he entered the restaurant. 15-i saw how the accident happened. отметь как лучший))

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