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WOgos 30.680 . 3 Listen to Nick answering the questionnaire.
Use the last part of the questionnaire to
calculate Nick's score.
How fit are you?
1 How often do you eat fruit or green vegetables?
a) once a month b) once a week c) every day
2 How many hours do you usually sleep at night?
a) I-5 hours b) 6-8 hours C) 9-12 hours
3 How often do you play sport or take exercise!
a) once a month b) once a week c) every day
4 How many hours a day do you spend watching TV
or videos
a) more than 5 hours b) 2-3 hours c) 0-1 hour
What does your score mean?
Score 0 points for a) I point for b) 3 points for c)
You aren't very fit. You must think about a
different lifestyle
5-8 You have quite a healthy life You could still
improve and be fitter
9-12 You are very fit and healthy. You don't need to
change your idestyle​

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Ответы на вопрос:

The Greens have just sold their house.

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