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Task 1 Look through the questions. Listen and choose the correct option.
1. In 2020 the hottest temperature was
recorded in .
a) Texas;
b) California;
c) Greenland;
d) Iceland.
2. Greenland’s ice sheet is
times the size of Texas and almost
kilometres thick.
a) 5; 2;
b) 13; 22;
c) 2; 3;
d) 3; 2.
3. Many scientists say that it’s now too
late to stop global heating and melting
polar ice.
a) True;
b) False;
c) Doesn’t say.
4. Ice sheet was prior to 2000.
a) on a tipping point;
b) in balance;
c) more or less in balance.
5. What are Greenland's glaciers?
a) Large, slow-moving masses of
b) Large, slow-moving masses of
c) Ice sheets;
d) Large, fast-moving masses of ice
and snow;
6. Greenhouse gases humans are
pumping into the atmosphere affect ice
a) True;
b) False;
c) Doesn’t say.
7. Who thinks that changes in human
activity can still slow the rate – or speed
of Greenland’s ice sheet melting?
a) Neil;
b) Michaela;
c) Georgiana;
d) Scientists;
e) No one.
8. How many gigatonnes of Greenland’s
ice sheet are now melting every year?
a) 500 gigatonnes;
b) 450 gigatonnes;
c) 550 gigatonnes;
d) 540 gigatonnes.

Task 2
Answer the questions.
1. Is it now too late to stop global heating and melting polar ice?
2. Has the attention moved away from serious global environmental issues
because of the coronavirus? In what way?
3. What can slow the rate of ice melting?
4. What can people do to prevent global warming?

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1.с 2. а 3.д 4.а 5.с 6.д 7.е 8ддругой стараны


She goes to the musical school. she plays the guitar a little, too. listen! what is she playing? - it's my favorite song. john! what are you doing? - i'm writing a litter to my english pen-friend. why are you crying? - i can't do my maths homework. it's very difficult. will you help me?

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