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2 … you live in a house or in a flat?

a) Does b) Did c) Do d) Will

3 Our friends live abroad. But we often visit … .

a) they b) we c) them d) you

4 The picture hangs … the wall.

a) in b)on c) to d) for

5 What are you waiting …?

a) for b) to c) on d) at

6 … are you laughing? – Because it’s funny!

a) When b) Why c) Where d) What

7 I cut … when I was fixing the bike.

a) me b) my c) myself d) I

8 Oh, you … your hairstyle! You look cute.

a) changed b) have changed c) had changed d) were changing

9 I … serials. I think they are stupid.

a) not watch b) don’t watch c) am not watching d) is not watching

10 They … to spend summer in Greece.

a) am going b) are going c) am going d) was going

11 They want … the house in the countryside.

a) building b) to build c) to building d) build

12 My classmate … the best project in Chemistry. He’s very clever.

a) did b) have done c) has done d) were doing

13 Now he … around Europe. He is not in the town.

a) travel b) travels c) is travelling d) was travelling

14 I … the winner! I want it most of all.

a) will become b) become c) am becoming d) became

15 Next Monday by 10 o’clock in the morning we … all the exams.

a) will have passed b) will pass c) will be passing d) are passing

16 When we were having dinner my sister … her homework.

a) did b) was doing c) has done d) had done

17 The dog is so fluffy! – Yes. I … her for half an hour.

a) brushed b) have brushed c) have been brushing d) had brushed

18 If we … the boy, he will have many problems.

a) not help b) will not help c) don’t help d) didn’t help

19 The stewardess said that the temperature in Sochi … 30 degrees.

a) is b) was c) has been d) had been

20 We all knew that such a decision … to a lot of problems.

a) will lead b) would lead c) had led d) have led

21 They … to the office at eight o’clock every morning

a) come b) comes c) came

22 This manager usually … sandwiches for lunch

a) have eaten b) eats c) eat

23 … they … to the office by car?

a) do…go b) does…go c) do… goes

24 … he always … tea for lunch?

a) do…drinks b) does…drinks c) does…drink

25 He … roses now.

a) is selling b) sell c) sells

26 Where … they … the film at the moment?

a) do… watch b) is…watch c) are…watching

27 What … Lima … on Sunday evening?

a) is… doing b) does c) do…do

28 My train … at the station at 11 a.m

a) arrive b) arrives c) is arriving

29 Kerry is five. She … six next week.

a) is b) was c) will be

30 He … in bed tomorrow. He is sick.

a) will stay b) stays c) stayed

31 When … she … her sister?

a) is… visit b) do…visit c) will … visit

32 As soon as they … home, they … us.

a) will come…will phone b) will come…phone c) come…will phone

33 Jake … his school exams last May

a) will pass b) passed c) passes

34 When … Kerry… to bed yesterday?

a) does…go b) will…go c) did…go

35 Tom … his homework. Now he can go for a walk.

a) has done b) did c) have done

36 … you ever … to New York?

a) has…been b) were… --- c) have…been

37 Lima's parents … aunt Polly for ten years.

a) haven't seen b) didn't see c) hasn't seen

38 When Tom … the room, Kerry … with his new car.

a) enter…played b) will enter…were playing c) entered…was playing

39 Lima … roses in the garden while her mother … dinner.

a) watered…was cooking b) was watering…was cooking c) was watering…cooked

40 What … you … all day long yesterday?

a) was… doing b) did…do c) were…doin

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Ответы на вопрос:

this cat gets on my nerves.

you should not have lost my temper.  

she was laughing his head off

i was just letting off steam.

they felt really sorry for him.  

that was the final straw.

her heart sank when she saw him.

надеюсь я ❤❤❤

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