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1 READING The Carbon Diaries 2020 exs. 1, 2, 3, 4 It’s 2020. The UK government has introduced carbon rationing
to reduce the country’s carbon footprint. Everything people do –
like driving the car, listening to music, having a shower – will cost
them Carbon Points on their carbon cards. What will this mean for
16-year-old Laura Brown, her elder sister Kim and their family?
Sat, Jan 3rd
Dad sat down with us tonight and took us through a stupid government
online form to work out what our family CO2
allowance is. It’s heavy. We’ve
got a carbon allowance of 200 Carbon Points per month to spend on travel,
heat, food. All other stuff like clothes and books has already got the Carbon
Points in the price. So if you want to buy a PC, but it’s from China, and
they used dirty fossil fuel to build it, then you’re going to pay a lot more
for it — because you’re paying for all the energy needed to make it.
The worst thing is, me and Kim have to give up lots of our points for the
family carbon allowance. That leaves us almost nothing for travel, college,
going out … The car is going to be used much less, all of us can use the
PC, TV, stereo for only two hours a day, heating is down to 16 °C in the
living room and 1 hour a day for the rest of the house, 5-minute showers,
baths only at weekends. We have to choose — hairdryer, toaster, microwave,
smartphone, kettle, lights, fridge or cooker and on and on. Flights are a real
no-no and shopping and going out not much better. It’s all kind of a choice.
Mon, Jan 5th
Carbon cards came today. They’ve got these little blocks down the side
going from green to red and as you use your year’s ration they disappear
one by one till you’re at your last red and then you’re all alone and
you’re crying in the dark.
Thurs, Jan 8th
Back to college, and I got in late because I had to take Mum to her bus
stop. Her eyes filled with tears when we walked past the Saab which she
has been driving for years. She whispered, “It’s not for ever,” and softly
touched it. I pretended not to see. We missed the first bus, so we had to
wait 15 minutes in the rain till the next one. When it finally came, I jumped
on, swiped my carbon card and started running upstairs. Mum was
searching through her purse, bag and pockets. She looked up at me.
“Laura, I can’t find my card. Can you lend me some…”
The driver shook his head. “No carbon card, no ride, love.”
“But, please…”
A woman shouted: “Get off! You’re holding us up.”
And then Mum started to cry. I went back down and helped her off the
bus. “We’ll have to go home and get your card, Mum.”
“I’m so sorry, Laura.” Mum said. “I know I should be strong, but I feel
so responsible for what my generation has been doing for years. We’re
the ones who have been messing it all up for you.”
Weds, Jan 14th
I woke up this morning and it was freezing, freezing cold. I’m only allowed
heat on in my room between 7 and 8. What a joke — it’s not even enough
to melt the ice on the windows.
b) Read the text again and choose the correct answer.
1 People must now
a) use Carbon Points for everything they buy.
b) use Carbon Points to buy certain things.
c) pay a lot more for everything they buy.
2 Laura and Kim can’t
a) use their stereo at all.
b) travel any more.
c) take long showers.
3 The carbon cards
a) change colour as you use the points.
b) can be changed for a new one when you use all
the points.
c) change colour from red to green.
4 Mum has tears in her eyes because she
a) misses driving her car.
b) has to take a bus.
c) believes she will drive again one day.
5 Mum tells Laura she is sorry
a) she got upset.
b) she’s not strong.
c) for what her generation has done.

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