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Every day Mary Feldman watched the group of teens who for hours HANG
2 around beneath the window of her office. She believed that if someone NOT PAY
attention to them soon, they would do something wrong. Mary asked the teenagers what they
3 . LIKE
4 They say that they all the same: music, art and sports. ENJOY
5 Mary thought that music make them exited about school. CAN
6 She hoped that a music programme a great way to keep bored kids BE
7 in learning. She thought that they a genre that would be easy NEED
to learn, and teach history and culture at the same time. Mary supposed that Blues in the Schools
8 programme blues musicians into the schools to perform BRING
and teach.
9 The result was fantastic: the blues musicians Sheila to play TEACH
10 harmonica, Sharica Peruitt blues history. LEARN
Claudia Williams, the principal of the school, said that last year one of their worst-behaved
11 children focused on learning very much and that BECOME
12 he any discipline problem since. NOT HAVE

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