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. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect negative. Нужны только измененные формы. Само предложение не надо I (not clean) my football boots.
They (not start) their meal.
I (not do) my homework.
He (not win) all his matches this year.
My brother and I (not see) any films this week.
It's my birthday party today. I (not invite) many people.
He (not wash) his hands. They're very dirty.
Mum's really angry. We (not tidy) our room!
I can't play with my friends this evening. I (not finish) my homework.
I (not visit) New York for three years.
Where's Alison? We (not see) her since yesterday.
Dad (not take) a holiday since last August.
John _ (not play) the violin since he was at school.

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Ответы на вопрос:

she asked the fairy godmother for help.-она попросила крёстную мать о .

she danced at the palace with the prince.-она танцевала во дворце с принцом.

the prince married her.-принц женился на ней.

they lived happily ever after.-они жили счастливо после этого.


мне кажется это из золушки))

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