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B. Read again and write J for Jane, T for Tim or B for Both. 1. This person won money.
2. This person wrote something for others to see.
3. This person was surprised to win.
4. This person did something they haven't done before.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) we are (having) a party next sunday. are you (coming) / will you come? ? 2) jane( will come)if you(ask)her. 3) do you know that andrew (is leaving) for paris tomorrow? 4) are you sure their team (is playing) tonight? 5) everybody knows they (will win) the game. 6  if helen (reads) the text, shewill  know what it is about. 7) tell me when your aunt (is coming) to moskow. 'll (meet) her at the airport. 8) john says he (will take / is taking) us to the cinema this evening. 9) are you (sending) the invitation to mr woodriff? 10) i've bought the tickets.we( are flying) next thursday.

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