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2. What language theySpeak) in Holland? What language he
iStspeakihow? 3. The professor (speakh five foreign languages.
Right now he speak Dutch. 4. My friend always (tell) me the
truth, but I see that she ftell) a lie now. 5. – I usually (drive)
to my work. - Be careful! You (drive) too fast. 6. She, as a
rule, (wear) smart hats. But today she wear) at funny-looking
one. 7. I (dola lot of work every day. Don't worry! I (know)
what I do). 8. Every Sunday he (watch) birds in the forest. Be
quiet, the photographer (watch) that bird. He (want) to take
a picture. 9. You (eat) fruit every day? What's the name of
the fruit you (eat) with such pleasure? 10. She (adore) French
perfume but I can't guess what perfume she (wear) tonight.
11. She (887 understand what the teacheris explainingnow.
12. She (say)/heißllove)/{{im very much
now. 13. I (not recog-
nize) the man who (give) a talk. 14. You usually ſhot drinky
coffee at this time? What is that you drink how? 15. I'Mhear
Nicki" (want) to know
where your "livej ſhow. 16. Ir (feel)inghe is
(haveirfa lot of problems with his elder son at the moment.
17. nĝenerally (feel) Well in summer but right now IV[feelinhis-
erable. 18. Paull(feel) that his uncle Johns (noticey all his faults.

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The concert was watched by thousands of people.страдательный залог -порядок слов-подлежащее,сказуемое,предлог (by-.

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