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TASK1.  Соедини названия болезней на английском языке с их значением на русском языке -  Match the English words with Russian equivalents. Запиши эти пары. Example:  a cold - простуда


a cold 

боль в горле

an earache 

боль в животе

a high temperature


a headache 


a stomach ache 

высокая температура

a sore throat 


a cough

боль в ухе

a rash

головная боль

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Ответы на вопрос:

a cold - простуда

a cough-кашель

a high temperature- высокая температура

a rash-сыпь

a sore throat-боль в горле

an earache-боль в ухе

a headache-головная боль

a stomach ache-Боли в животе


1. i insist on talking to this person.

2. the joke is so funny! i can't help but laugh.

3. what is the tallest building in moscow?

4. this park is the most beautiful in the city. i have never seen a park more beautiful than this.

5. the film is still shown.

1. the russian federation occupies one seventh of the world.

2. i was informed of this news yesterday.

3. he left instead of waiting for me.

4. i live in a house with modern amenities.

5. on sunday, i get up later than usual.

1. he is always listened to with great attention.

2. when i returned to moscow, the house was still being built.

3. on sunday, i get up later than usual.

4. i called him yesterday, but could not talk. he was busy.

5. the climate of the far east is different from the climate of the western part of russia.

1. when i returned to moscow, the house was still being built.

2. - what language is spoken in canada?

- in this country they speak english and french.

3. he just translated the article.

4. i have been reading this book for 2 months now.

5. this park is the most beautiful in the city. i have never seen a park more beautiful than this.

1. i wonder what his next step will be?

2. if you do not like the weather, wait a few minutes because it will change.

3. on sunday, i get up later than usual.

4. the more i think about this case, the less i want to deal with it.

5. my girlfriend always spends a holiday in a big city.


Популярно: Английский язык