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Эссе на тему моя мама

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My mum is 41 years old. She is very nice. My mum is small and slim. She has got blue eyes and short hair. Her favorite clothes are skirts, blouses, and dresses. Her favorite colors are green and yellow. Her favorite food is salad and all kinds of vegetables.

Her favorite animal is fish. She loves walking in the forest, but she hates skiing. Her hobbies are shopping and cooking. She can cook very well, and she always cleans the house. My mum always says to me that I should be a good student.

I love my mum because she is very nice.    


Моей маме 41 год. Она очень хорошая. Моя мама невысокая и стройная. У нее голубые глаза и короткие волосы. Ее любимая одежда — юбки, блузки и платья. Ее любимые цвета — зеленый и желтый. Ее любимая еда — салат и всевозможные овощи.

Ее любимое животное — рыбы. Она любит гулять в лесу, но ненавидит кататься на лыжах. Ее хобби — шоппинг и кулинария. Она умеет хорошо готовить, и она всегда убирает в доме. Моя мама всегда говорит мне, что я должен быть хорошим учеником.

Я люблю свою маму, потому что она очень милая.


2) he has said that they have finished their work 3) he will say that he would do that at once 4) he said that task was very difficult 5) he said to her he had met him the month before 6) he said that he was going to St. petersburg the next day 7) he said to me that he had never been there before that 8) he said that he had been ill the previous day 9) he said to them that she would be there after half an hour 10) he said to me that he had been waiting for me since 2 o’clock

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