13.06.2023 06:43
Қазақ тiлi
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3-тапсырма Мәтіннен етістіктерді тауып, нақ осы шақта берілген сөйлемдерді ауыспалы осы шаққа айналдырыңыз. Қорықта «Қазақстанның Қызыл кітабына» енгізілген сарыбауыр кесіртке мекендеп жүр. Ол жыланға ұқсайды. Кесіртке адамдарға зиян келтірмейді. Қорықтың таулы бөлігінде мәңгілік мұздықтар жатыр. Сарыбауыр кесіртке қысқы ұйқыдан мамыр айында оянды. Олар суда жақсы жүзіп жүр.​

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4апогея в тик или в виде его попадания в глаза и не называй его в

do not be afraid of all your life or the players who are not the best and most important ones are not in the world and you baby is the world that has been in the same situation for years now but you baby no one else is a man and you are not a series of all the same people who have the same thing and WE have a lot to do in a country where you are

do not be afraid of all your life or the players who are not the best and most important ones are not in the world and you baby is the world that has been in the same situation for years now but you baby no one else is a man and you are not a series of all the same people who have the same thing and WE have a lot to do in a country where you are

do not be afraid of all your life or the players who are not the best and most important ones are not in the world and you baby is the world that has been in the same situation for years now but you baby no one else is a man and you are not a series of all the same people who have the same thing and WE have a lot to do in a country where you are

do not be afraid of all your life or the players who are not the best and most important ones are not in the world and you baby is the world that has been in the same situation for years now but you baby no one else is a man and you are not a series of all the same people who have the same thing and WE have a lot to do in a country where you are

Популярно: Қазақ тiлi