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с английским. Исправьте ошибки в 3 предложениях. 2 предложения правильные, отметьте их.
1 You have not to bring anything because the teacher will give you what you need.
2 It will be cold, so you must wear warm clothes!
3 You mustn't spend so much time on the internet.
4 Tomorrow night you must come to my house. To get to my house you had to take the number 15 bus.
5 You don't must bring anything because I've got everything.

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Ответы на вопрос:

The 1st group- carpet, salt, friendship,  mount, championship, trumpet, bullet, management, statement, enjoyment.  the 2nd group- teacher, beggar, sailor, translator, builder, baker, fishmonger, grocer, engineer, driver. the 3rd group  - relative, trainee, cinema, flute, stupidity, signature, formality,  reliability, difference, importance. the 4th group - cupboard, blackboard, end, endlessness, happiness, sadness, illness, physics, gymnastics, glass. слова вспоминал и писал сам, без

Популярно: Английский язык