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Прочитайте следующие группы слов. Найдите лишнее слово в каждой строке. 1) (castle) - time - pattern - castle – spelt - пример 2) (wears) - does - loves – knocks – wears - пример 3) stayed - looked - pulled – weighed 4) look - good - blood - foot 5) dead - mean - bread - head 6) rented - landed - assisted - opened 7) thought - around - sound - house 8) York - born - Ford - Oxford 9) lives - reads - writes - begs 10) kissed - smiled - studied - agreed 11) day - days - say - says 12) agrees - makes - stops - cooks 13) though - brought - ought - thought 14) night - fifth - sight - climb 15) museum - use - music - busy 16) moon - food - foot - poodle 17) jeans - steak - sea - weak 18) studies - runs - wishes - goes 19) played - helped - laughed - walked 20) beard - dear - heard - hear 21) lion - million - billion - millionaire 22) personal - personality - reality - Italian 23) fruit - suit - juice - built 24) horse - history - story - cord 25) arrived - lived - needed - joined 26) asks - rubs - sails - rains 27) wanted - depended - watched - waited 28) country - young - youth - couple 30) daughter - fault - cause - aunt 31) chalk - wall - calm - talk 32) heart - earth - heard - search 33) marry - dance - hand - sat 34) worry - horror - terror - mirror 35) piece - ladies - niece - field 36) half - have - has - ham 37) oven - colour - son - gone 38) hotel - hot - hotter - pot 39) books - rose - same - kisses 40) cheese - achieve - ache - beach 41) soldier - drive - dry - sound

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Ответы на вопрос:

The vikings came to north amerika a thousand years ago.

Популярно: Английский язык