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1. Select from the column on the right by the meaning of the words omitted in the sentences. (Written form) Выберите из колонки справа по смыслу слова, пропущенные в предложениях.

1) This table ... the relation between bus fares and petrol prices.
2) Cars and buses can be ... for the tube.
3) If people buy chocolate to eat at the cinema, films would be a ... for bars of chocolate.
4) If you look at this Figure you will see that the increase in ice-cream prices leads to the ... in the demand curve.
5) In the following unit you will ... more examples of complements.
6) When their incomes rise, ... buy more of everything.
7) An example of an ... good can be nasty cuts of meat.
8) ... depend on convenience, custom, and social attitudes.
9) People would prefer not to buy inferior goods if they could ... to spend a little more.
10) Technological advances enable the new product to be ... at a much lower price.
a) shift
b) consumers
c) inferior
d) depicts
e) afford
f) substitutes
g) tastes
h) available
i) complement
j) encounter
k) precise
l) exception

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Ответы на вопрос:

good [ ɡʊd] лишнее, в нем короткий звук , в трёх других длинный звук.

Популярно: Английский язык