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1 constitution 3 representative

2 government 4 supreme

a) the highest (about a body, court, etc.)

b) the system of laws and principles for governing a country or an organisation

c) believing in or practising the principle of equality

d) the group of people who govern

e) a person who has been chosen to act for someone else or for a group of people

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 constitution b) the system of laws and principles for governing a country or an organisation

2 government d) the group of people who govern

3 representative e) a person who has been chosen to act for someone else or for a group of people

4 supreme a) the highest (about a body, court, etc.)


My name is







Заполните пропуски формами глагола to be: - Hello! My name is Anna. - Hi! I am Anton. How are you? - I am fine, thanks. And you? - I am OK. _Are you a first year student? - Yeah, are we group mates? - I think so. How old are you? - I am 17. - Me too. Where are you from? - I am from Yekaterinburg. Are you from Yekaterinburg too? - Right. Look, I think those people are first year students too and that woman is our teacher. Let’s go! 3. Составьте 10 предложений, употребив различные формы глагола to be в настоящем времени.


Мона сердечко? ❤️

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