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Заполните пропуски местоимениями: а) some, any, no, every или производными от них.
1. You must ask ... to help you in this work. 2. If I have ... free time, I shall go... tonight. 3. Have you heard ... about our plan? 4. Did ... see this film yesterday? 5. Did you say ...? No, I said ... 6. I know ... about it and he doesn't know ... about it either. ... knows about it.
б) местоимениями или наречиями much, many, more, less, (a) little, (a) few.
1. How ... English words do you know? 2. There are ... parks in our city. 3. They work too ... 4. Does he read ...? It's a pity but he reads too ... 5. I had very ... friends at school. 6. Do you speak English ? 7. Hurry up! We have ... time to waste. 8. Don't hurry! We have ... time before the train comes in. 9. I have something to say. May I have... words with you? 10. Some ... tea, please. 11. Please, try to make... noise. 12. I don't drink ... coffee. 13. There were not ... people at the stadium yesterday.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. something 2.some,all 3.something 4. any.5.something, anything. 6. everything, any, some.

b) 1. many 2. few. 3. many 4. more,much. 5much 6. a little 7. less 8.much 9.a few. 10. more 11. less. 12 much 13. more

People should be able to understand each other. because if we do not understand each other, the whole world would roll upside down. god can't get angry at people. after all, he created them. there are no ideal people, so we can't predict the future, guess punishment gives you destiny, she's like no one else can and can foretell your future. you can change it, but to do this, you must first change ourselves.

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