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Fill in the correct word *tail *seals *beak *penguin *reindeer *wings *legs *ears *fur *pets *feathers
1.An owl has got a sharp .
2. Butterflies have got colourful .
3. A crocodile has got a long .
4.Polar bears have got thick
5. swim with their flippers
6.Koalas have got short, strong arms and .
7. A is a bird that cant fly.
8.A lives in Arcric areas.
9. An elephant has got big .
10.They have several , a dog, two rabbits and a tortoise.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. feathers
2. wings
3. tail
4. fur
5. seals
6. legs
7. penguin
8. reindeer
9. ears
10. pets

1. obligatory attendance - обязательное посещение  2. at the beginning - в начале  3. to fail in an exam - не сдать экзамен 4. easy - простой, легкий  5. to exclude  - исключить из  6. unsuccessfully  - неуспешно  7. to divide  - разделить, поделить  8. the special subject  - спецпредмет 9. to attend classes  - посещать занятия  10. to graduate - окончить (высшее) учебное заведение

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