Есть ответ 👍

Упражнение 3:

a) Скажите по-другому, используя притяжательный падеж:

The meeting tomorrow has been cancelled.
We couldn’t choose a name for a boy.
We used to buy clothes for children
This is a list of magazines for women from around the world.
Many people don’t agree with the economic policy of the government.
I was invited to the party of Julia.
b) Переведите:

газета за понедельник
владелец машины
к вершине горы
июльская жара
мировые ресурсы
улицы Москвы
описание товаров и услуг
фотография радуги

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:


1.The meeting tomorrow has been cancelled.

2.We couldn’t choose a name for a boy.

3.We used to buy clothes for children

4.This is a list of magazines for women from around the world.

5.Many people don’t agree with the economic policy of the government.

6.I was invited to the party of Julia.


1.Last Monday’s paper

2.The owner of the car

3.To the top of the mountain

4.July’s heat

5.The world’s resources

6.Moscow’s streets

7.Description of goods and services

8.The picture of the rainbow


1 Tomorrow’s meeting has been cancelled.

2 We couldn’t choose a boy’s name.

3 We used to buy children’s clothes online.

4 This is a list of women’s magazines from around the world.

5 Many people don’t agree with the government’s economic policy.

6 I was invited to Julia’s party.


Last Monday’s paper  - газета за понедельник

The owner of the car  - владелец машины

To the top of the mountain   - к вершине горы

July’s heat   - июльская жара

The world’s resources   - мировые ресурсы

Moscow’s streets   -  улицы Москвы

Description of goods and services  - описание товаров и услуг

The picture of the rainbow -  фотография радуги


1. liz came with us yesterday. 2. irene moved to germany in 2005. 3. he understood everything.

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