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Exercise 27: Write all kinds of questions to these statements. 1. The money was left at home. 2. The books are taken from the central library. 3. The young workers are trained to use the new equipment. 4. The children of Sparta were given a military education.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)where is the money?

2)where the books are taken from?

3)what did the young workers hit to use?

4)who gave their children military education?


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1 Was the money left at home?

What was left at home?

Where was the money left?

Whose money was left at home?

Was the money left at home or in the bar?

Why was the money left at home?

The money was left at home, wasn't it?

2 Are the books taken from the central library?

What is taken from the central library?

Where are the books taken from?

Which / What library are the books taken from?

Are the books taken from the central or (from) the regional library?

The books are taken from the central library, aren't they?

3 Are they trained to use the new equipment?

Who is trained to use it?

What are they trained to do?

What equipment are they trained to use?

Are they trained to use the new or the old equipment?

The young learners are taught to use the new equipment, aren't they?

4 Were the children of Sparta given a military education?

Who was given a military education?

What kind of education were they given?

What were the children of Sparta given?

Were they given a military or a spiritual education?

They were given a military education, weren't they?


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