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Geometry 1. Write a system of three unknown three equations so that there is only one solution and find this solution.

2. Write a system of three equations with three unknowns that have no solution.

3. Write a system of three unknown equations that has an infinite number of solutions and find these solutions.

4.show similar and different properties of scalar and vector derivatives.

5. What vectors are obtained if we leave out one of the three conditions in the definition of vector product? Look for all three conditions.

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Эта разве предмет по математике может по английскому???

Кота  надо кормить 4 раза в день. всего он должен съесть 12г сухого корма и 24г паштета. вопрос  - какое кол-во еды надо давать коту за один раз и не похудеет ли он на такой диете.: )

Популярно: Математика