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Задание 10* Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. 1. The play was so good that she went back to see it again.
It .
2. Nelly and I haven’t seen each other for two years.
It’s two .
3. Although she had terrible pains in her legs, Ann climbed the mountain.
In spite of .
4. You’re allowed to eat at the restaurant without wearing a tie.
You don’t .
5. I’m not going to go to the dance because I haven’t got a partner.
If I .
6. It wasn’t possible for them to get home because of the floods.
The floods .
7. She finds it strange to stay at home all day.
She is not used .
8. I go to the dentist less often than I should.
I don’t .
9. I regret not keeping in touch with her.
I wish .
10. ‘I’m sorry I broke the vase,’ Michael said to his neighbour.
Michael apologized .

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Ответы на вопрос:

Canaries readily eat sunflower seeds, but they should be peeled and crushed. It is better to give them to songbirds mixed with grated carrots and crushed wheat bread. Flaxseed is not only nutritious, but also a medicinal food for birds. ... Its content can be up to 15% of the entire grain mixture


Канарейки охотно поедают семена подсолнечника, но их следует очищать от шелухи и дробить. Певчим птицам их лучше давать в смеси с тертой морковью и толчеными пшеничными сухарями. Льняное семя является не только питательным, но и лечебным кормом для птиц. ... Его содержание может составлять до 15 % всей зерновой смеси

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