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НУЖНЫ ОТВЕТЫ. I. Reading & Listening.

Watch the video “7 amazing technologies we’ll see by 2030”. Follow this link https://youtu.be/AuVHftBiDVw to watch it.

Task 1. What possible changes will appear in the future?

Tick objects below according to the video.

Buildings Robots Planes Sensors Medical Internet 3D printing meals Phones Online Study

Cars Solar-powered roofs Artificial intelligence

Totally: 3 scores

Task 2. Watch the video again and answer the questions below:

1. Robots have replaced blue collar jobs. Robots will be used for white collar jobs. What is the difference between two jobs?

2. What will sensors be connected to the internet for? Will this invention be useful? Why?

3. How will 3D printing be used for? In what sphere will it work?

4. Where will phones be inserted? How will it work?

5. How will car ownership be changed in the future? What does the car-sharing mean?

6. Have you any predictions about the future technology?

Totally: 7 scores

II. Writing. Choose one of two tasks. The first work is to write an opinion essay and the second work is writing a for-and-against essay.

An opinion essay. Turn to the page 42 in your student’s book. You should read writing tip of an opinion essay to remember this material. Then write an opinion essay about the following statement: “Virtual reality is only useful for entertainment”. Give your opinion with reasons to support your opinion. (80-100 words)

A for-and-against essay. To get more information read the writing tip for this type essay. Don’t forget that For-and-against essays present the advantages and disadvantages of a topic. You have seen the following announcement in a magazine: “Should we only eat organic food?” Send me an essay the pros and cons of this proposal. Write your essay (80-100 words)


Follows the plan - 2

Uses appropriate vocabulary -2

Summarises the main idea of the paragraphs -2

Writes the sentences in grammatical accuracy -2

Totally: 15 scores

If you copy someone’s work, your scores will go down.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Rome has over 40 million tourists every year.

The Colosseum (Latin Сolosseum), or the Flavian amphitheater (Latin Amphitheatrum Flavium) is an amphitheater, an architectural monument of Ancient Rome, the most famous and one of the most grandiose structures of the Ancient World that have survived to our time [1]. It is located in Rome, in the lowlands between the Esquiline, Palatine and Celian hills.(theater of death)

The construction of the largest amphitheater of the ancient world, with a capacity of over 50 thousand people, was carried out for eight years as a collective construction of the emperors of the Flavian dynasty. It began to be built in 72 AD. e. under Emperor Vespasian, and in 80 AD. e. the amphitheater was consecrated by the Emperor Titus. The amphitheater is located on the spot where there was a pond that belonged to the Golden House of Nero.The Colosseum had 80 rows of seats and could accommodate up to 50,000 people (according to some sources, up to 60,000 and even 80,000 people). 80 entrances allowed for 10 minutes to fill and empty the Colosseum without crushing and crushing.


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