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зовщовщо щрсщрссщара8ра8ра8н нщнчщевщнвапнн

1.everyone knows that restaurants are more expensive) than cafes.///adj2.my dad is a very (careful)adject, driver, my older  brother drives much more dangerously adverb3.paul is the nicest   guy i've ever met.adject 4.if you don't sing a little louder   no one will be able to hear you.adverb 5.june,22 is the longest day of the year.adjec 6.in her new summer dress kate looked (prettier than any other girl in the group.adverb 7.this new task is as hard as the first one, not at all easy adject 8.i find professional sport more (boring) than amateur sport and seldom watch it on television.adject9.my father's  english  is quite good adject but mum speaks more   fluently adverband her english is more (idiomatic)than his.adject10.my birthsday was probably the happiest )adject   day in my life: i got up earlier adverb) than usual and prepared everything for the party, which turned out to be the   most joyful adject   i've ever seen. 11.the boy tried to apologise for the broken window but it made the landlord only more angry adverb than before.12.do you think the world is becoming a better  or a worst place to live in? adject 

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