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Read the article. Match A–L with gaps 1–10. There are two words that you do not need.
(10 points)

A planned
B help
C become
D playing
E worried
F enjoy G invited
H increasing
I taught
J have
K improved
L intend

Read the direct speech, then complete the reported sentences. (4 points)
1 ‘You’re a good singer.’ Serena told me that

2 ‘You must work harder!’ Mr Taylor told us that

3 ‘Where’s the bus station?’ The tourist asked us

4 ‘Don’t go inside!’ The security guard ordered us

Discuss the future with a friend (6 points)
A Ask your friend about the future.
B Say that you’re interested in art and design – you might become a website designer.
A Ask where your friend wants to work.
B Say that you want to work in a big office – you’re an extrovert.
A Say that you’re a loner, and you’re not sure about your career.
B Express support.
A Mention that people think you’re a good actor.
B Say that your friend could be a film star.
A Say you could be a drama teacher.
B Respond.

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Унас такое же было , прости , ,я черновик просто выкинула

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