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Less CD2
Listen and read. Say True or False.
The official name of the UK currency is the British pound.
2 There is a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II on all banknotes.
3. There is a picture of a famous historical building on all
4. There are coins for one pound, two pounds and five pounds.
5 In informal English, or slang, people sometimes call
a pound a 'quid'.
6 All the banknotes are the same size and colour.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

41. you will stay at home until you are going to get rid of your bad cough. 42. according to the weather forecast snow is going to fall by the end of december. 43. autumn has come. the trees are going to lose their leaves in a few weeks. 44. they are not going to the football match tomorrow, because they will work at that time. 45. he told me that when he will be in japan for five years he is going to write a book. 46. by the time you will back, simon is going to leave. 47. please, don't wear indoor shoes in the gymnasium, or you will damage the floor. 48. what are you going to say if you will see her? 49. the stones will married for thirty years in may. 50. i have to be back at 3.30, so i am going to leave before lunch. 51. by the end of the month she will work in this company for three years. 52. why don't you come with us? we will go to have a lot of fun. 53. i am going to take my exams on monday so i think i will stay in on saturday night. 54. the children will really hungry when they will get home because they will run around all afternoon without any food. 55. why don't you come round at 9 o'clock? the children are going to bed at that time so it will nice and peaceful. 56. i am not going to speak to her until she will apologize. 57. martin asked me if i will help him with english. 58. we are going to drive over five hundred kilometers by the time we will reach the border. 59. you will sick if you are going to eat more chocolate. 60. look out! we are going to hit the car in front. 61. don't phone too early because i will put the baby to bed. 62. by the time i am going to qualify l will study law for six years. 63. he was not quite sure when his parents will come home. 64. bob didn't know if the time-table for the next week is going to change 65. by the time you will get back, all the food will go. 66. you will not be able to enter the building if you won't have your identity card. 67. the doctor told carol that a week in the country is going to make her feel better. 68. when i will learn a thousand english words, i will be able to read a newspaper? 69. we are going to return the reference material to the check-out-desk after we will examine it. 70. tom promised that he is going to phone us again at the weekend. сорян я бы закончил но зарядки мало а так всё шик сделал

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