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When i lived with my grandmother in the summer, it has happened a sad story. my grandmother was a beautiful black cat murchik, which i loved. he was very clever, but have an independent character. he freely walked around the neighborhood, bringing terror to the neighborhood cats and even their owners. if he took in his arms, he pulled out immediately and could one day potsarapat.i murchik disappeared. previously, he sometimes disappeared for a night, a day at most. and then i did not come home the week. all were made sorry, i'm afraid that the cat is something wrong. i walked through the streets, asking neighbors, but no one murchik videl.i here once we pass by the grandmother of one house, and there at the gate sits a black cat, is very similar to murchik. but it turned out that it was not him. we searched for him every day, but never found. it took a lot of time with this case. but i still remember the sad case.

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