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Exercise 1. Напишите глаголы в правильной форме. Hardware (to be) the mechanical magnetic, electronic and electrical devices composing a computer system.

The purpose of the input hardware (to be) to collect data and convert it into a form suitable for computer processing. It (to look) very much like a typewriter. The cursor (to move) across the screen. When the cursor (to reach) the desired location, the user usually (to push) a button on the mouse The CPU (to be) the brain of the computer. It (to read) and (to interpret) software instructions and (to coordinate) the processing activities.

Exercise 2 Составьте к тексту вопросы.

1. input hardware- a) управлять

2. amount- b) устройство обработки данных

3. to execute- c) устройство хранения данных

4. output hardware- d) влиять

5. to retrieve- e) цель

6. to interpret- f) клавиатура

7. to provide- g) достигать

8. to reach- h) извлекать

9. the purpose- i) переводить

10. storage hardware- j) устройство ввода данных

11. to direct- k) выполнять

12. processing hardware- l) количество

13. keyboard- m) сложный

14. sophisticate- n) обеспечивать

15.to affect- o) выходные устройства отображения информации

Exercise 3. Закончите предложения.

1 . The purpose of the input hardware is ... it into a form suitable for computer processing.

2. Keyboard looks very much like a

3. ... is a hand held device connected to the computer by small cable.

4. When the cursor reaches the desired location, the user usually ... on the mouse once or twice to command to the computer.

5. The purpose of processing hardware is ... the execution of software instructions provided to the computer.

6. The most common components of processing hardware are

7. The CPU is ... of the computer.

8. The CPU ... software instructions and coordinates the processing activities.

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