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Тест по английскому 1) The first computer in the 1940's.

a) was invented

b) is invented

c) will be invented

2) Yesterday a boy in an accident in High Street.

a) will be injured

b) has been injured

c) was injured

3) She to Jack's birthday party.

a) are invited

b) has been invited

c) have been invited

4) The homework by tomorrow.

a) must be done

b) was done

c) will be made

5) The manager about the problem.

a) should has been told

b) should have been told

c) should been told

6) The project of form 8

a) is said to have failed.

b) is said to be failed.

c) is said to fail.

7) A cinema is a place where films

a) Are shown

b) Have been shown

c) Show

8) Everybody by the terrible news yesterday.

a) Was shocked

b) Shocking

c) Shocked

9) Mr. Green at the University since 1989.

a) Has been taught

b) Is teaching

c) Has been teaching

Total [9]​

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There was a box on th table. прости что повторяюсь,это правильно

Популярно: Английский язык