Есть ответ 👍

Поставьте правильное время

2. He is busy at the moment. He (wash up).

3. We never (watch) TV in the morning.

4. What you (do) when the show (begin)?

5. Two days ago when Tom (finish) his letter, he (take) it to the post


6. I’m thirsty! – I (bring) you a glass of water.

7. I’d like to watch a film in English. – You (understand) a word!

8. I’ve got a headache! – I (turn off) the music?

9. He (eat) rice every day?

10. I (buy) a VW. Or would you recommend another brand?

11. We (fly) to Edinburg tomorrow. Here are our tickets.

12. You (meet) Jan met Sarah outside the cinema last weekend?

13. I (phone) you tomorrow, I promise!

14. Ann (not use) her computer at the moment.

15. What you (do)? Stop it now!

16. We (not go) to the new Chinese restaurant as it was too late.

17. He (not paint) the fence when his aunt (find) him.

18. My dad (not read) fiction books.

19. Yesterday at 9 p.m. my mother (read) to my younger brother.

20. I’m sure I (win) the competition.

21. When the lights (go off), I (lie) in bed reading.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ялюблю новый год! это праздник со всей семьей! а свою семью я люблю сильно! и праздник становится такой весёлый! мы там шутим, играем в разные игры, рассказываем стихи, поем песни, к нам приходит дед мороз и дарит подарки, ещё мы любим погулять! я люблю новый год из-за того что мы справляем всей семьей!

Популярно: Английский язык