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Read the text and answer the questions. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы полными предложениями. GAME SHOWS

Game shows are very popular television programmes. One famous British show is Who wants to be a Millionaire? On the show, people answer questions. The questions are easy at first, but they become more difficult. Between 1998

and 2008, fifteen players won the top prize of £1,000,000! People also played this show in many different countries, such as the USA, South Africa and Japan.

The first ever TV game show was in 1938. It was a British show called Spelling Bee. The presenter was a man called Freddie Grisewood. He had short, dark hair and glasses.

Freddie asked people on the show to spell words. The show wasn’t very exciting because the game was really easy!

In many modern game shows, like The X Factor, people try to win prizes and become famous by singing. The musician Noemi didn’t win first prize on the Italian version of the show. But her music became very popular! Noemi is slim, with long, brown hair. She first appeared on TV when she was a baby!

1.What should people do on the show Who wants to be a Millionaire?

2.How many players did win the top prize between 1998 and 2008?

3.In which countries did people play Who wants to be a Millionaire?

4.What did Freddie ask people to do on the show called Spelling Bee?

5. What should people do on the show The X Factor?

6.Did Noemi win The X Factor in Italy?

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Майк и Лиза собираются посетить их бабушку. Это ее день рождения. У них есть карты и воздушные шары. Мама проводит торт ко дню рождения. Папа проводит подарок. Они собираются пойти в дом бабушки на машине. Макс, их собака, не может пойти в дом бабушки с ними. Автомобиль очень мал.Папа открывает машину и кладет подарок на крышу автомобиля. Все они попали внутрь. И вот они идут! Настоящий падает на землю.Они находятся в доме бабушки. Она любит хамов и воздушные шары. Она любит торт, тоже. Она очень счастлива. "Где настоящее?" Спрашивает мама. "Я не знаю", говорит папа.Существует стук в дверь. Это Макс! У него есть подарок бабушки. "Ты умная собака, Макс!" Они все говорят.Настоящее Бабушкина является новым пуловеры. Она любит его очень много. "Какая прекрасная пуловеры!", Говорит она. Семья очень счастлива. И Макс тоже счастлив. Папа дает ему большой кусок пирога, "Вот ты, Макс. Большое "/ответы на вопросы / 1) майк и лиза собираются у бабушки( Mike and Lisa are going to grandmother) 2)мама печет торт ко дню рождения(Mom bakes a birthday cake) 3)папа готовит подарок(Dad is carrying a present.) 4)Настоящее Бабушкина является новым пуловеры.(This Grandma is a new pullover.) 5) майк находит и приносит подарок(Mike finds and brings a gift) 6)настоящее это счастье (Currently, this happiness) Вроде так )

People's should answer the questions

fifteen players won the top prize

People's also played this show in many different cou tries such as the U.S.A South Africa and Japan

Freddie asked people on the show to spell words

People's try to win prizes and become famous by singing

The musician Noemi didn't win first prize on the Italian version of the show

а фото где


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