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The Industrial Revolution

Up until the Industrial Revolution objects were made by craftsmen, either working on their own, collectively in rural cottage industries or in Guilds or Societies in the towns. This resulted in localized designs often produced by generations of one family with no technological or design style changes. There were a few craftsmen who worked for the nobility and the rich merchants producing objects based on designs and technology taken from other countries. They formed their own design styles, but they still could only make a limited number of objects at a high price. However new technologies still steadily improved and design went through different styles. The history of Industrial Design really began with the start of the Industrial Revolution that took place during the early part of the 1700’s with the invention of mechanical processes of production. The design of the product came out of the technology available at the time. Design was led by its technology and was of a very low standard with very little thought for the user. Manufacturers spent no money on beautifying their products as they had little competition and were out to make as much money as possible.

In those days designers were either architects or artists and manufacturers felt no need to use them.

Many years later, the Bauhaus used technological processes as the basis of their designs.

In 1837, a government School of Art was set up with the aim to train designers for working with industry but it failed.

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