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Complete the text with the correct nouns and adjectives. fame- famous
skill- skillful
intelligent- intelligence
creativity- creative
egotistical –ego

Reach Sport Academy
Are you between the agesof 11and 16?ReachSports Academy is looking for talented young footballers, tennis players and runners. Reach is an academy in Liverpool which mixes academic lessons with special classes in a variety of different sports. Past students at our academy include a number of very1 TV sports personalities. We have places for new students to start at the academy next September. To get a place at the academy you need to:
• be a very good sportsperson and have a lot of2 in two or more sports.
• be healthy and3
• work well alone and show4 You must have your own ideas!
• be good team players and not be5

2. Write since or for
1. five hours
2. last night
3. a short time
4. this morning

3. Complete the sentences using the present perfect or the past simple form of the verbs in the box.

Not see finish play not listen walk live

1. I that book on Wednesday. The ending was very good.
2. She loves her flat. She there for five years.
3. Jack isn’t in class today. We him for a few days.
4. you ever rugby or basketball?
5. Theyto that concert on the radio last night.
6. he to school with his friends?

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Ответы на вопрос:

come over and visit. приходите к нам.come to see us tonight. заходите к нам сегодня вечером.come and see me on sunday. приходите ко мне в воскресенье.come to my birthday party. приходите ко мне на день рождения.come to dinner. приходите на ужин.drop in. заходите.i want to invite you to lunch. хочу пригласить вас на обед.call any day you like. звоните, когда угодно.how about coming with us to the club? давай пойдём с нами в клуб? would you like to have some coffee? не хотите выпить кофе? would you like to come for a walk? не хотите ли прогуляться? would you care to come to my place and have a drink? не хотите зайти ко мне и выпить?

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