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Прочитайте текст и поставьте соответствующие буквы S (Shakespeare), если речь идет о нем или A (Auezov), если речь идет о нем.

1. He was born in a small town in 1564.

2. He married at eighteen and had three children.

3. He wrote his first play at the age of 20.

4. He is the national poet of his birth country.

5. He learnt many languages.

6. His most famous work is a novel.

Task 2. Complete the sentences below follow the sentence structure: Закончите предложения:

7. William Shakespeare becoming the leader of a group of actors…

8. His most famous work is a long novel …


Task. Choose ONE of the topics below. Follow the tips for writing. Выбери одно из двух предложенных заданий.

Answer all the questions. ответь на вопросы.
Spell topical vocabulary accurately. Используй соответствующие теме слова.
Use prepositions of time, location and direction. Используй предлоги времени, места и направления.
Topic 1. Our countryside

Think about your home place (home town or village) and write some information about it. Подумайте о своем доме (родном городе или деревне) и напишите о нем немного информации.

Where do you live? Write about its location.
Do you like this town / village? Why?
What is your favourite place in this town / village? Where is it located?
What can you do in your home town / village? Write about some winter or summer activities and sports.
Topic 2. Drama and comedy

Think about your genre preferences and write some information about your experience. Подумайте о своих жанровых предпочтениях и напишите немного информации о своем опыте.

Do you like watching films on the weekdays or on Sundays? Why?
Can you name your favourite cinema? Where is it located?
How do you usually get to your favourite cinema?
What is your favourite movie? Why do you like it?

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,4(79 оценок)

1- қырылады, 2-жұтады, 3-қорытпайды, 4-құртады, 5- қорғаныш. Удачи в учёбе, если что-то не понятно пиши в коментарии

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