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соч Harry: Hey, Elizabeth, how would you like to go see a movie tonight?
Elizabeth: Sounds great! What would you like to see?
Harry: I don't know... how about that new horror movie at the Arlington Theater?
Elizabeth: Oh, I heard about that. It sounds a little scary to me. I'm more into romantic movies. Or maybe a romantic comedy.
Harry: No way! I hate that kind of stuff!
Elizabeth: Really? Well then, what kinds of movies do you like?
Harry: I guess I'm really into action and adventure type of movies.
Elizabeth: Oh yeah, well I guess they are okay, as long as they aren't too bloody. I also heard about this great new musical that just came out. What do you think about that?
Harry: Musical? I don't know. That doesn't sound too exciting. Is there anything we can agree on?
Elizabeth: It doesn't seem like it. Oh, I remember another movie that came out last week. It's a mystery and it had a little romance and some action, too.
I heard it's pretty exciting because nobody can guess who the killer is and it has a surprise ending. What do you think about that one?
Harry: I guess that doesn't sound too bad. What time does it start?

Mark sentences as True or False./ Определите какие предложения верные (True), а какие неверные (False).

A horror movie is scary.


Harry likes movies about love.


Harry really hates action and adventure movies.


Fill in the gaps with ONE word./ Заполните пробелы в предложениях одним словом.

Musicals do not sound too for Harry.

I heard it's pretty exciting because nobody can guess who the


Task 2.
Answer the questions./ ответьте на вопросы.

What is the most popular film among teenagers?
Who are your favourite actor and actress?
Who do you usually watch it with?
Why do children prefer watching cartoons?
How did you feel after watching it?

Use of English.
Task 3.
Form sentences. Use the past continuous. / Раскройте скобки используя временную форму Past Continouos.

John….. (to feed) his rabbits the whole evening.
I …… (wait) for Nick when Miranda phoned me.
It …… (snow) at 7 p. m. yesterday.
They …… (talk) to him from 7 till 8 o’clock last night.
We …… (paint) pictures all day.
Total marks /15

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1)she dances well 2)he loves to sing 3)my daughter is afraid to swim 4)you need to quit smoking 5)we will thing about opening another cafe. 6)my friend dreams of becoming a star 7)we try to avoid communication with such people 8)she insists on making dinner herself 9)do you mind waiting a couple of minutes here 10)have you finished calling customers

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