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Ex. 103. Unscramble the sentences. 1) life / better She / in/ looked / her / has / never 2) and / you / bread / bought/ milk / Have? 3) already / daughter / My / flowers / has / the / watered. 4) baby / had / She / just / has / a. 5) seen / We / teacher / have / today / our. 6) just / They / met / have. 7) already / her / She / has / diploma / received. 8) repaired / Has / her / she / flat? Ex 104. Use Present Simple or Present Perfect in the following sentences. Sometimes more than 1 variant is possible. 1. She (read) a lot and (know) a lot. 2. We (know) much from the lecture of our new professor. 3. They (work) hard and (achieve) impressive results. 4. Something (go) wrong from the start. 5. How many countries you (be) to? 6. Every holiday he (go) to a foreign country. 7. He usually (order) goods on the Internet. 8. You ever (buy) anything on a whim?

Ex. 105. Respond to the following requests. E.g.: Will you close the door, please? – I have already closed it. 1. Will you sweep the floor, please? 2. Make me a cup of good tea, will you? 3. Tell me the truth, please! 4. Will you please do the washing-up? 5. Please bring me some more bread. 6. Help your younger brother with Maths, will you? 7. Book the tickets to the theatre, please! 8. Will you order sushi for us?

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hello! my friend! my name   is olya.   i am 12. i _go_ to scool. i've _got _ a friend. her _name_ is _kate_. she _looks    like_ a mother. her mother is a _teacher_. she works _at school_. her father works _in an office_. my girlfriend likes to_read_. i like to _read_, too. it's fun to _spend time_ with her. bye, yours olya__

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