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Change the direct speech into reported speech The doctor said, Do you do sports? 2My mom said, Wash up the dishes after the dinner 3Dad said, Buy bread, milk and sugar​

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January 7 is  the most  joyful holiday in the world. we call it christmas.  according to the legend it is a quiet family holiday. on the night of january 7, people  set the  holiday table with twelve traditional dishes , among which there is always kutia (porridge with raisins) and a lot of different delicatessens.  christmas traditions include the rite and caroling with the mummers. costumed children and adults go from house to house and sing christmas carols - short funny songs. and we give them sweets and  small coins. other traditional is nativity christmas divination.  most importantly, what you need to remember during the christmas holidays that is a celebration of love, warmth, tenderness, and family well-being .

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